
Green Trade Corridors program is designed to provide
information and environmental perspectives on the emerging
trends in the transportation industry as they relate to the
burgeoning trade corridors throughout North America, with
the end objective of striking a balance between trade and
its environmental affects on communities in Canada, United
States, and Mexico.
-> 1999 Inception
of program as a result of meeting of transportation and trade corridor
specialists to promote corridor awareness and reducing local environmental
and social impacts on communities.
-> 2000 Trinational meeting between US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,
Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, and Mexican Foreign Secretary
Rosario endorsing Green Trade Corridors concept.
Hosting a series of meetings with local
developers, elected officials, and NGOs on creating a vision for
the development of the NM-Mexico border, and the emerging trade
Organized, with New Mexico First, statewide
Task Force to draft a strategic plan for the development of New
Mexicos border with Mexico to be finalized by the end of 2002.
New Mexico, Chihuahua Border
The US-Mexico border is one of the most rapidly growing regions
in North America, replete with its own unique set of issues.
In a desert region that averages less than nine inches of rain
per year, water is the most critical and precious resource available,
and dictates the pace of growth; health issues are prevalent
due to the lack of water; basic infrastructure such as sewage,
electricity, and running water is non-existent along the Mexican
side and even parts of the US side; the increase in trade as
a result of NAFTA has brought on air and noise pollution, and
the number of trucks passing through the ports of entry is increasing
on a daily basis. The border population, currently around 12.4
million people, is expected to double by the year 2020, to over
25 million.
The New Mexico-Chihuahua portion of the border is no exception.
There is a bright side to the picture, and that is an area known
as Santa Teresa. The State of New Mexico has recently completed
building a new, state-of-the-art international land port of
entry with Mexico, designed to alleviate some of the bottlenecks
found in the traditional bridge crossings in nearby El Paso.
A new four-lane freeway now links the port of entry with I-10,
the major East-West Interstate. Intermodal transfer centers
are planned, linking trucks with rail and air and thus allowing
for a seamless flow of commerce. A binational city is being
planned, with residential communities along with industrial
centers with manufacturing and warehousing.
The North American Institute, in its capacity as a trinational
convening organization that fosters trans-border dialog, is
sponsoring a series of conferences in the southern part of New
Mexico to promote discussion on the Santa Teresa development.
NAMI sees the Santa Teresa region as an opportunity to learn
from the other border cities such as San Diego/Tijuana, El Paso/Juarez,
and Laredo/Nuevo Laredo, and create a new border crossing that
is more environmentally friendly, and can handle the increase
in truck traffic (up almost 30% since 1994), a first-of-its-kind
binational city that physically spans the border and featuring
planned communities with long-term growth in mind. NAMI is working
with all the vested interests, including the private sector,
the NGOs, the State and Federal officials, and academics to
put together a series of meetings designed to bring these parties
together and create a practical, sustainable vision for the
For more information about the Green Trade Corridors Program, contact:
David Griscom, Executive Director
708 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 982-3657
[email protected]
Sen. Jack Austin
The Senate of Canada
Victoria Building
140 Wellington Street, Room 304
Ottowa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-992-1437
Fax: 613-995-7329
Email: [email protected]
708 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Tel: 505.982.3657
Fax: 505.983.5840
Email: [email protected]
Amb. Jesus Reyes Heroles
Pestalozzi 522
Colonia del Valle
Mexico DF 03020
Tel: 011 52 555 639-3791
Fax: 011 52 555 639-4624
Email: [email protected]
2002 - 2017 The North American Institute |

Related Reports:
Green Corridors:
NAFTA Trade Corridors
and Environmental
University of Manitoba
Trade Corridors
in North America
by John Wirth
The Camino Real
Trade Corridor
by John Wirth
