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Report finds we are different from Americans
From The Toronto Star
By David Crane
June 7, 2020
If we needed further evidence of the clear differences between Canadian and American values and beliefs, it can be found in the Pew Global Attitudes Project, which released its latest report this week.
Headlines on the report focused on the fact that Canadians and Americans have a less favourable view of one another these days, though in each country the clear majority have a positive opinion. More revealing, however, were the differences in attitude to globalization, the environment, poverty and other social and religious beliefs.
Mexico Making Headway on Smuggling
From The New York Times
MANZANILLO, Mexico - Atop a concrete tower overlooking the customs service inspection area here at Mexico's main Pacific port, a half-dozen young women in crisp uniforms sequestered behind drawn blinds peer at a bank of television monitors showing every move below.
They are looking for any irregularity, like an inspector who waves a truck through without checking documents.
The women - only women are hired to do this job because they are thought to be more honest than men - along with the new tower and its digital closed-circuit technology from Israel are part of the customs service's continuing struggle against corruption.
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Only by reining in corruption at customs can Mexico's government hope to make any headway against illegal imports. This contraband, mostly Chinese consumer goods that have flooded the country for more than a decade, has all but destroyed some of Mexico's domestic industries.
June 4, 2019
Liberal rift on defence out in open
38 break ranks on motion backing U.S. missile shield;
Dissenters fear `carte blanche' for space weapons
From The Toronto Star
OTTAWA-Liberal opposition to Canadian participation in the U.S. national missile defence program broke out in public yesterday as 38 Liberal MPs broke ranks with the government position yesterday.
The 38 backbenchers voted against a Canadian Alliance motion in support of the U.S. missile defence program, despite the government's support of the motion - an indication of the depth of division on the issue in the Liberal caucus.
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The motion reaffirmed Parliament's support for NORAD as a viable defence organization to counter threats to North America, including the threat of ballistic missile attack, and its support for "giving NORAD responsibility for the command of any system developed to defend North America against ballistic missiles."
June 3, 2018
Canada, U.S. speed up study of border crossing
Windsor-Detroit route to be upgraded;
City council to discuss short-term fix
From The Toronto Star
Canada, the United States and the governments of Ontario and Michigan announced yesterday they'll start environmental assessments immediately - about a year ahead of schedule - to speed up their efforts to find a new crossing between Windsor and Detroit.
Bob Nichols, spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, said the four governments - which have formed a bi-national partnership - have accumulated enough information on possible corridors to go ahead with assessments, even though the "preferred" site won't be chosen for about a year.
Sen. Jack Austin
The Senate of Canada
Victoria Building
140 Wellington Street, Room 304
Ottowa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A4
Tel: 613-992-1437
Fax: 613-995-7329
Email: [email protected]
708 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Tel: 505.982.3657
Fax: 505.983.5840
Email: [email protected]
Amb. Jesus Reyes Heroles
Pestalozzi 522
Colonia del Valle
Mexico DF 03020
Tel: 011 52 555 639-3791
Fax: 011 52 555 639-4624
Email: [email protected]
2002 - 2023 The North American Institute |

North America eliminates use of chlordane
By John Moody
Five years of teamwork between Canada, Mexico and the United States has ended the production and use of chlordane in North America.
A pesticide, chlordane is used mainly in the extermination of termites. It is a pollutant that can take up to 20 years to degrade once it is released into the environment and a probable carcinogen that can damage the nervous system and liver.
Officials from the Environmental Protection Agency in the US and Mexico's National Institute of Ecology collaborated with the CEC on the project.
Issues on Missile Defence and Alternatives
Lloyd Axworthy and Rebecca Johnson
Executive Summary
Since September 11th pressure groups, the arms industry, certain editorialists,
senior military officials, the US ambassador and certain federal ministers
have been lobbying for Canada to go along with US missile defence plans,
whatever they might be. In addressing Canada's potential contribution to
the development and deployment of US missile defences, it is necessary
to consider not only relations between Canada and the United States, but
the implications for Canada's wider international relations and security
objectives, if Ottawa agrees or refuses to participate.
The Bush administration vision of a multi-tiered and layered missile system
blurs the distinction between 'theatre missile defences' and 'national
missile defence', evades criticism of particular technologies and holds
out a false promise of total protection. A growing number of missile defence
advocates in the Pentagon are pushing for the testing and deployment of
weapons in and from, as well as into outer space. This is not just a form
of mission creep, but also the declared intention of many at the centre
of missile defence decision-making. Supporting Pentagon budget requests
for space-related missile defence research in FY 2004, Lt. Gen. Ronald
Kadish, Director of the Missile Defence Agency, envisaged some 300 or more
space-based interceptors, with a time-line of 2008- 2016.
demonstrative speech topics
North American Borders: Why They Matter
By Glynn Custred
From the Center for Immigration Studies
A view held by many today, especially in the business world and among libertarians,
is that borders will eventually melt away in the face of new market forces,
resulting in what business consultant Kenichi Ohmae envisions as a "borderless
world." What is really happening is more complex. Some borders are eroding
while others are undergoing transformations and reconfigurations of different
kinds. And in the European Union, as internal borders have been reduced,
new outer borders have been created that function like those of traditional
national boundaries. Borders, therefore, still matter and will matter for
some time to come. This is nowhere more clearly revealed than in the case
of the changing borders of North America.

Events calendar is currently being updated for 2013.